Two fantastic options for your pork preferences: Custom Share and Monthly Mix.
Introducing two fantastic options for your pork preferences: Custom Share and Monthly Mix. Both products offer a similar price per pound, but the distinction lies in the delivery experience.
See below for a comparison of our two pork subscription types: annual and monthly. Do you prefer to watch or listen to a video? Click here to listen to the replay of our live describing the two programs. Or read on...
**Custom Share Membership:**
If you're looking to stock up for the year with 45# (quarter hog), 75# (half hog), or 165# (whole hog) of premium pork, the Custom Share is perfect for you. Your pork will arrive all at once, frozen and meticulously vacuum-sealed. With a chest freezer, your pork shopping for the year is complete. Enjoy the flexibility of customization by filling out a Google form with your preferred delivery month and specific requests.
Curious what the 3-4 cubic feet of freezer space needed for a half hog looks like in practice? Click here to see a video of a half hog packed into a freezer...
New for 2024, we'll send you a copy of your custom cut sheet a week before it goes to the butcher for a final review. A follow-up call the week after delivery ensures everything met your expectations. Our 100% satisfaction guarantee means we'll make any necessary changes or updates post-delivery.
Detailed information on the cuts included in each share (quarter, half, whole) is available in the product pages for each share size on our website. Secure your share with a down payment through our online store. Choose a one time purchase or an annual membership at checkout. Annual payments for recurring memberships will be collected on the anniversary of your purchase each year. Each year's price is locked in when the down payment is paid. Your balance will be paid just before delivery, via online invoice.
After you have made your down payment click over to our online custom cutting instructions form, where you will also let us know your desired delivery month. We harvest year round so you can choose the month that works best for your family. We can usually fill a custom share within a month or so of purchase if you are looking for delivery as soon as possible.
**Monthly Mix Club:**
For those who prefer a monthly pork supply, the Monthly Mix Membership is tailored to you. Choose between 6-7# ($75/month) or 11-12# ($150/month) of pork for convenient monthly pick-ups on the third weekend of the month. Pick up locations are on the farm at 6825 Goodwin Road Everson, or at the Saturday Bellingham Farmers Market.
Capped at 30 families our monthly pork subscription is for a small group receiving a super high level of customer service and care. A monthly Google form is sent out the second Friday of every month so subscribers can preview the default share contents and make customizations to each and every cut. Enjoy the flexibility to pay month by month, with the option to pause or opt-out anytime. Our standard 100% satisfaction guarantee applies to each monthly subscription.
Explore the details of each option on our website and embark on a delicious journey with our premium pork offerings!
1 comment
My name is Gerald, and I’m from Tanzania. I’m keen on starting a pig farm and have been watching your YouTube videos with great interest. The pigs on your farm look amazing! I would appreciate it if you could share which type or breed of pigs you raise at your farm.
Thank you